Friday, 6 September 2013

Writing homework

Kia ora koutou! Checkout the pile of writing that the B5 tamariki have produced over the past 3 weeks. We have all been working hard at it especially around RECOUNT, REPORT and PERSUASIVE writing. Well done tamariki ma and a big thank you to our wonderful parent for supporting you children! Kai runga noa atu koutou! You all rock!


  1. Wow b5! that's quite a lot of writing you got there kia kaha b5 keep up the great work!

    By Martha

  2. Awesome B5, that is a lot of writing in that pile, I wonder who`s writing that is. Keep up the work B5 Success.
    Comment by Payton Nuku

  3. that is a lot of work from b5

  4. Great work b5

    BY Piripi

  5. great work b5 there is a lot of work!!

    By kazuki

  6. fantastic b5 that is a lot of writing in that pile. comment by Ben Rolfe


Thank you for your feedback, the tamariki will appreciate this. Nga mihi nui:)